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The Wife of Willesden Page 2
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Yeah: everything happens for a reason
And we’re just meant to be! Our stars aligned.
It’s Fate! (Our gift registry’s online.)
Some said ‘brave’ things that took no bravery
To say, or were dull, or didn’t move me –
Or spoke about their ‘journeys’ with an air
Of triumph. I was starting to despair …
Then I saw Alvita. That is: the Wife
Of Willesden. And the story of her life’s
Worth hearing.
Tho’ she’s a bit deaf herself
In one ear … but otherwise in good health.
And skilful! Makes her own clothes, every stitch.
That’s not Armani – that’s Alvita!
She is not. But she never passed a Big
Issue vendor without chucking a quid
Their way.
Cuss you if you don’t.
Fake gold chains
Are her jewellery of choice. She drips like rain.
Her underwear is dramatic – and red.
Like the soles of her knock-off ‘Choos’. It’s said
She looks bold. She gives side-eye perfectly.
She’s been that bitch since 1983.
And yeah, she’s been hitched five times to five men.
(Without counting back-in-the-day bredrin.)
But we don’t need to get into that now.
She’s a well-travelled woman. She allows
Herself adventures. Self-care is her truth.
She’s been Ibiza, Corfu, Magaluf.
She likes to wander. Hates to be tied down.
With that gap-toothed smile she strides around town
Dressed to impress.
Wears an isicholo:
A big Zulu hat. She’s not Zulu, no …
But let woman have her hat!
And a skirt
That shows her shape.
And them shoes that will hurt
You if you’re in her way.
She’s not just fierce
Though. She’s sweet and wise. Cupid’s dart has pierced
Her so often, she’s an expert on love.
Been there, done that. This one knows it all, bruv.
We see ALVITA being ushered towards the little stage, but she refuses it, and instead takes her rightful place, centre stage in the Colin Campbell. The pub turns black: there is a theatrical spotlight upon her. But before she speaks, the scene freezes while the AUTHOR gives her Chaucerian apologia …
But before she starts, a word to the wise:
Not a trigger warning, exactly, but
A proviso: it’s not my tale. I just
Copied it down from the original.
I could make stuff up and rewrite it all
But that would surely defeat the purpose,
And if Alvita does make you nervous
It’s worth remembering – though I’m sure you know –
When wives spoke thus six hundred years ago
You were all shocked then. The shock never ends
When women say things usually said by men …
And one last thing: if you spot yourself and
Think I’ve made you posher or more common
Than you’d like: sorry. I’ve got a good ear,
But I can only write down what I hear …
The Wife of Willesden’s Prologue
ALVITA reanimates and the AUTHOR withdraws to her table. Throughout the Prologue, ALVITA regularly breaks the fourth wall, speaking to the real audience as much as the pub one. Her accent is North Weezy with moments of deliberate poshness as well as frequent lapses into Jamaican patois and cockney for comic effect. She is a world-class raconteur. She begins:
Let me tell you something: I do not need
Any permission or college degrees
To speak on how marriage is stress. I been
Married five damn times since I was nineteen!
From mi eye deh a mi knee.fn1 But I survived,
Thank God, and I got to say, of the five,
None of them were total wastemen. But last
Week …
At this point the lights come up again, but there is something surreal about the new lighting in the pub, as if we are in a magical, liminal space between storytelling, memory and reality. The pub people react and laugh and groan like an audience, but they are often roped into the performance, too. Some of these moments are explicitly noted below, but a director should feel free to use the PUB CHORUS to animate and dramatize as many of Alvita’s stories as they see fit.
I’m with my Auntie P, yeah, and she starts
In on her Bible talk:
Yuh nuh know Christ
Him a wedding guest one time in him life?
In Cana, Galilee? Please, niece, beg yuh
Tell me what you do the opposite for?
How come you believe you can get wedded
Five times? Lawd knows how many times bedded!
Tink when Jesus met the Samaritan,
By dat well: ’member how he cuss her, man,
Him seh, ‘Woman, you been married five times
Already. You can’t say this man ah fi mi
Because nutten nuh go so. Not at all.
And I was like, look, Auntie, you can bawl
Me out, but I still don’t even get why
He said that? She married the first five guys.
So why not six? Is there a set limit?
With me, I’m almost fifty-five, innit,
And if there is a right number of men,
That’s news to me. Is it six or eight? Ten?
In my view, people got too much to say;
They chat rubbish. But from my Bible days
I know it says:
We hear church music and see church lighting, and we meet PASTOR JEGEDE in the middle of a sermon. AUNTIE P and KELLY are listening intently.
‘Go forth and multiply.’
I remember the bits that weren’t too dry …
And isn’t it that God said when they married:
A husband must leave his old family,
And link up mind, body and soul—
With me! Yep. Nothing about bigamy
In there, or more-gamy-than-that (cough, cough).
So how come some people slagging me off?
Nah, I’m not having it. Count the pickney
And women of Marley. How ’bout Stevie?
Now, you know Stevie’s had more than one wife!
Blindness don’t stop him enjoying his life.
I should be so lucky as Bob Marley.
Rita? Miss Jamaica? He had plenty
Woman, and I’m sure he had a good time
With them all, back in the day. And that’s fine.
But let’s also thank God for my five men:
Ian, Darren, Winston, Elridge and Ryan.
As this is said we see Alvita’s husbands, IAN, DARREN, WINSTON, ELRIDGE and RYAN – who are dotted around the pub – stand up and start looking at each other curiously. We may not notice that the fifth husband, RYAN, is the redhead with the video camera, who we can’t really see: the video equipment obscures his face. When he stands it must look as if he is just doing something to his camera. After a moment they sit back down again.
(You think five’s a lot? I could’ve had ten!)
But I’m well choosy. I actually picked them
For their ass-ets, different for each person.
One went to the College of North West London,
Two went to the School of Hard Knocks. The sick
Thing about Kilburn is how we can mix
It up with anyone? High, low. Posh, poor.
We’ve had practice. We’ll walk through any door.
And that’s like me spending my time studying
Five different husbands. You learn many things …
And, honestly, I’m up for Number Six
Whenever, wherever he feels to pitch
Up. Serious: if Five drops dead, boom, like that:
I won’t wait for my hymen to grow back.
That’s not me. You’ll soon see me on Insta
Chucking the bouquet to the next sista …
Pastor, if your man dies, you’re free, innit?
To get hitched again, if you feel like it.
PASTOR JEGEDE looks like he doesn’t want to concede this point; also these questions are disturbing his service, which, in a parallel reality, is happening throughout.
Auntie P, isn’t St Paul the one who said
Better to be married than burn up dead!
But in your church, the one on Willesden Lane
We hear church music again, and see AUNTIE P and her SONS praying in the pub, with PASTOR JEGEDE leading the prayers.
The old Bingo place, you go fill your brain
With judgement. Pastor chatting all that breeze:
… Wicked Lamech, whose sin was bigamy …
How come Jacob and Abraham marry
Again? And I’m sure Pastor put a ring
On it a few times in Nigeria …
All I know is that the Lord God him nuh
Like looseness. Him defend de marriage bond.
Yeah, but Auntie, the thing is, that’s just wrong?
Where do you think you read that? The Good Book?
You can’t show it to me. S’not there. I’ve looked.
Me know him defended virginity.
Now hol’ up, hol’ up, my dear Auntie P:
Thing is: I can read just like you can read,
And I’m telling you no. It’s true Paul said
He didn’t want us having sex for fun –
But it weren’t like: COMMANDMENT NUMBER ONE.
Auntie, what you call laws I call advice!
A guideline. And they all sound very nice,
But everyone got to make their own choice
In life. And if God in his big God voice
Was like:
Everyone. Asexual. NOW.
It wouldn’t make no sense. Because then how’s
He expecting to make more pure virgins
When there’s nobody to give birth to them?
Please. At least St Paul wasn’t all about
Cancelling things God himself hadn’t called out!
We aim for chastity. This is the prize.
The contest is to be pure in God’s eyes.
KELLY, Alvita’s very nerdy, shy and put-upon niece, dares to raise her voice:
But that’s not, like, meant for … well, like, maybe –
Yes, girl – g’wan – Say it! (That’s my niece, Kelly.)
Maybe that’s not meant for everybody?
Like, Mum, maybe God makes some people true
Saints, yeah? But with some he’s like: s’up to you …
Like, I totally get Jesus was pure
And he was into that but are you sure
It’s got to be like that for me and you?
This is what I’m saying! Kelly, thank you.
Bottom line, Auntie, I have permission
From bloody St Paul himself to go fishing
For husbands when and where I feel like it.
The only thing I’m willing to admit
Is you probably have to wait till one dies
Before you move on, because bigamy-wise
That’d be an issue.
It is clearly
Said, by the apostle, that purity
Is best.
Yeah, but he was chatting about
Himself! St Paul be like:
I won’t go out
With you. I will not come back to your place.
I won’t submit to your sinful embrace.
We’re not ‘getting it on’ on your sofa.
A holy man plus a supernova
Like me? You put us together? There will
Be fireworks, you get me? There just will.
But their church says:
Best to sleep with no one!
Wait – check it:
But if you marry someone –
And this is true for our women and our men –
It is best never to have sex with them.
Jokers. Fools. But it don’t even touch me.
I don’t mess with churchmen or my family.
My thing is: you want to think you’re a saint?
Fine. But don’t slut-shame me because I ain’t
About that. It’s not like I’m pretending
To be picture perfect. Or curating
My life for others. Despite what you see
Online, we’re not all on yachts in Bali.
Some of us are on the ninety-eight bus
Which comes on time, and that’s enough for us …
Auntie, I think God loves variety,
That’s my belief. Cos if he did make me
He set my soul on its own strange path. Plus
Maybe he gives out sex like Santa Claus:
The nice get no sex drives; the nasty … more.
Maybe it just depends. Maybe if you’re
Asexual or abstain he’s into that …
That’d make sense cos his son was like that –
But you make everything so literal!
You really reckon Jesus meant to tell
Us all to be as broke as him? Nah. He’s
Just saying:
You can be brassic like me
If you think you can handle it, but ’low
It for everybody else.
For real, now,
Them rules are for the girl who feels that she’s
Perfect. And that blatantly isn’t me.
As you see, I’m in the prime of my life
And right now I’m into being a wife.
My kind of wife. Cos, tell me, Auntie P.
This equipment between our legs which we
Carry: why d’we have them in the first place?
Or you reckon it’s some kind of mistake?
Wat a way yuh like fi argue me down!
But I believe our … private parts … they around
Fi two purpose. Fi pass the urine. And
Know who ah woman and who ah man.
Auntie’s a comedian. But she knows
Well from experience how these things go.
It’s crazy to me that Pastor gets mad
When I talk about women’s pleasure and
The idea that if there is a God he
Can’t hate on his own gift, which he must see
Is not just for making babies or … wee.
Pastor, it’s right there in the book! Let’s read
‘Man owes a debt
to his wife.’
In bed!
That is literally what the man said!
And to pay that sexual debt in full,
You usually need your own genitals.
Look: my point is, we’re given these things
For more than childbirth and urinating!
ZAIRE, Alvita’s best friend, raises her hand.
But just cos you have working genitals
We don’t have to go down the kid road? All
Of us don’t need babies. It’s cool if your
Road is kids. But that’s not all these are for.
(My bestie, Zaire.) And then there’s Jesus:
So pure and holy he’s just not that fussed
Re sex. And I’ve got nothing against pure,
Holier-than-thou people. I think you’re
All great. But there’s a lot of different kinds
Of women in this world. Some like red wine
Thirty quid a pop. You know who you are!
I’ll take a shot of Baileys at the bar.
I’m that kind of girl. Not fancy but fun,
Like Baileys. Sweet. And I get the job done.
My thing is, to be honest, I’m just real.
I do and say exactly what I feel.
I’m not fussy, but I stick to my guns
And in my marriage I’ll use this for fun.
If it’s God’s gift, I best use it that way!
Cos if I waste it, what’s God gonna say?
Now, husbands: I was and am here for you:
Tonight, tomorrow. But you need to do
Something for me first. I demand pleasure.
That is your debt to me. It’s not pressure,
Exactly, it’s about consent. You’ll agree
To owe me love, good sex, and that when we
Marry, your body and soul will be mine
As long as we’re a thing. From that time
Till we’re done, your body is my playground,
It’s for me, not for you. I’ve just found