The Wife of Willesden Page 3
That really works for me? In fact, St Paul’s
The one gave me the idea. Cos he’s all
‘You husbands! Love your women well, day in
Day out!’
Thank you! That’s all I’ve been saying!
There is applause from the tables, but some consternation, too, especially from some of the men.
Any questions? Comments? So far, so clear?
Yes, you: don’t be shy. Loud – so I can hear.
COLIN, a nervous young man in a charity chugger outfit, stands up. His fiancée, SOPHIE, sits beside him.
Hello … well, my name’s Colin … I work for—
You hassle fools in the street for cash – sure –
Well, actually I raise money to fight—
You get their sort codes. Make them feel all right
About themselves. Mug them for a good cause.
But tell me: how can I help you and yours?
Um … well, this is Soph, we just got engaged …
And a lot of what you said tonight made
Me feel a bit anxious, if I’m honest.
Is it. Go on … I don’t bite, I promise.
Like, are you saying that if I marry
She owns me? I find that a bit scary –
Like, in my view, that’s taking things a bit
Too far, like: sexism – but reversing it?
I see, Colin. Thing is, though, my story’s
Not even started yet? So don’t worry:
Try not to wag the tail before the dog.
This bit’s just the – whadyacallit – Prologue.
I’m about to drop knowledge on you,
Colin, and on your lovely girlfriend, too.
Because I’ve been there, Colin; this ain’t my
First rodeo. And I’m using my time,
My precious time, to help needy men
Like you, not to make total fools of them
Selves in marriage. That is my mission.
Best thing you can do? Sit up and listen.
Yes, ma’am – I mean, Miss – I mean, Mrs – Miz?
Of course, I know you know your business,
Wife of Willesden – I shouldn’t interrupt.
You know what? I’ll own my privilege – and shut up.
Young men: if you think you can stand to hear
Some truth I’ll tell it. But if you start to fear
I’m running my mouth, talking wild and rough,
Or I’ve said too much, please don’t take the huff –
Or get offended; don’t be that guy …
I might take the piss – but I’ll tell no lies.
So let’s get down to it: those men I’ve had?
Three of them were good and two were bad.
We see the FIVE MEN identified as she mentions them, but again, that RYAN is one of them remains unclear.
The three good ones were – bad news for Colin –
Older. They’d already found their place in
This world. But they had their work cut out
In the bedroom, because I’m all about
Pleasure, and they couldn’t always keep
Up with my desire. They needed their sleep.
To be honest, it didn’t bother me.
They made up for it in maturity.
With these young’uns you need a magic potion
To get their love, respect and devotion.
Back when I was young I worked way too hard
For approval; I’d put all my damn cards
On the table. Now I have no need. Since
I hold them in my hand. I can rinse
Out their bank accounts, move into their
Flats – they’d give me all, if I asked. But where
And when and why should I be asking
For love? The sun is out: I am basking
In affection. Meanwhile they have work
To do up in the bedroom. Learn to twerk,
For example: that’s a useful skill in
Here we might see a number of older men in the PUB CHORUS trying to master this task.
A man. That’s something really worth learning!
But the older dogs are less
Inclined to learn; they want to get their rest.
Fine. But I still ruled them with a firm hand.
I cussed them daily, and they’d understand,
And be grateful, so relieved, when I turned
Nice. And that’s one key thing I have learned
About marriage. You’ve got to treat them mean
To keep them loving and humble and keen.
Let me break it down: when a husband
Shows his cards; you’ve got to hide your hand.
Before he gets on your case, get on his.
I’d be like: first thing, handle your business.
What were you doing at that girl’s place?
Are you really going to say to my face:
I went to check my cousin – he’s crashing there.
Didn’t really notice … what’s her name? Claire?
Bruv, I’ve seen her: fake nails, fake boobs, fake hair –
You’re gonna do me like that? Is that fair?
And then meanwhile, if I’m just jamming
With a male friend, you’re sure we’re banging,
You lose your mind, cuss me up and down …
Double standard! But that’s what I’ve found
About husbands. They chat too much breeze
About women. Got way too many theories.
I’ve heard them all.
Don’t trust a gold digger;
They’ve got plans for you. Dem fine figures
Are a trap, yuh know? Dey ah go reel you in.
You’ll pay in cash; it’s the wages of sin.
Not love they want, man, it’s alimony.
And then there’s:
Avoid the ones with money:
They’ll emasculate you. When a man
Earns less than his wife you’ll find he can’t
Respect himself. That’s not just my view,
That’s in evolutionary science, too.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And if she’s very pretty
God help her.
Must be doing you dirty,
Because no one that fit could be faithful—
According to you. For some men it’s awful
If a woman is rich or hot or fine
Or smart or talented or sweet or kind –
Cos that means someone else might want us.
And everything you once loved about us
Becomes the problem. If we still attract
Attention, then:
You ask for it. The fact
Is, it’s your fault.
If we no longer do,
That’s worse. We might go grind on a fool
’Pon the dance floor just for attention.
The pub becomes a nightclub and we see ALVITA joyfully dancing with a number of her HUSBANDS and others.
And then slyly, casually, he mentions
That he can’t remember why he chose
This. He could be playing Tinder. Who knows
How sweet life could be if he were free?
But deep down? It’s all insecurity.
Some husbands are wound up way too tight.
Some of dem on that jealousy tip night
And day:
The thing about women is they
Act a certain way up until the day
You wed. Then it’s a whole other story.
New becomes old. Fresh becomes boring.
The pink cammy gets switched for grey cotton …
All that tear-your-clothes-off sex? Forgotten.
And so on. He’ll say:
When a man buys clothes
He gets to try stuff on before he goes
And buys it. With wives? You roll the dice and see!
Honestly, sometimes this man made me
Want to scream. And he’d try to turn it round.
He’d say:
The truth is you love the sound
Of men singing your praises. You call
Yourself a feminist but you want all
The compliments all the time. If you say
How does this look? am I free to lay
It on the line? Come on now. We both
Know my duties. I’ve got to swear on oath
You look like Angela Bassett. All
The time. For your birthday you want a ball.
You want me to hire out Camden Palais
And pay for it all. Then you want me to say
I love all your girlfriends, even that one
Claims she’s a ‘life coach’ but lives with her mum.
There has been much laughter in the pub and music and re-enactment during ELRIDGE’s speech but now the lighting becomes stark and everything is silent as ALVITA offers her rebuttal.
Husband Number Four, you lied. Tell these
Good people how sometimes nothing could please
You. When the green-eyed monster took over
You weren’t yourself. You forgot we were lovers.
You’d rant and rave. You thought poor young Ryan
The student kid – the freckled Scottish one –
With his dark red hair and his tiny bum
RYAN, who’s the kid filming, raises a hand to the audience, to be acknowledged, but we get no sign that there is anything between him and ALVITA.
You’d say I’m eyeing him like I want some
Of that? Please! Not if you died tomorrow!
Meanwhile, you won’t even let me borrow
The keys to the Subaru! You act like
What is yours is not also mine. You psych
Yourself out, stressing about who owns me,
While you keep your junk under lock and key.
And try to keep me home. But we don’t own
Each other. I don’t check up on your phone,
Or use GPS to see where you are.
But seems you’d like me locked up in that car!
You should be saying:
ALVITA gets behind ELRIDGE and uses him as a ventriloquist’s dummy so her voice seems to come out of his mouth while she controls his movements.
Alvita, you do you.
Go out and find your joy. I won’t do
Anything to block or kill your spirit
Cos I love you and I trust you, innit.
Women like me, we can’t love control freaks.
We want to travel, to live, to seek
Fresh pastures, possibilities, new worlds.
We’re women. Not children. Not little girls.
The best man of all, blessed and wise, is dead:
Nelson Mandela, cos it’s him who said:
An old man in the Pub Chorus, one of the old regulars we saw in the opening scene, turns from his pint and takes on the role of NELSON MANDELA.
Resentment is like drinking poison
Yuh see?
And then hoping it will kill your enemies.
And the wisest men know how to rise above
The desire to control the ones you love.
Husbands! Hear these words! Know them to be true.
If you get yours, why d’you care what I do?
Are you lacking something? Are you deprived?
Come sundown, aren’t you truly satisfied?
We see ALVITA sidle up to the AUTHOR with her mobile. She seems to be asking to jump on the Author’s Wi-Fi hotspot, but the AUTHOR isn’t having it.
It’s like them people who lock up their Wi-Fi …
Like, they think it’s gonna run out! Like if I
Jump on it, and get something for free,
It’s unfair. Not as far as I can see.
Just mind your own business, husbands! Then
I’ll mind mine. And peace will reign in Willesden.
But they don’t. He’s in my face about what
I wear. He’s like:
Please God tell me you’re not
Going out in that. The skirt’s way too small;
The top’s too low; you’re barely dressed at all.
And I wait and dare him to speak some more.
I’m just saying sometimes you look like a—
STOP RIGHT THERE. Please don’t use, my brother,
One type of woman to cuss another.
We are all sisters. And don’t try to neg
Me. You feel free to take me down a peg
Or two. Mention my crow’s feet. Cellulite.
Tell me I’m boring or not too bright.
Cos you’ve worked out when I’m shy or sad
I won’t stray too far. I won’t act too bad.
But when I’m feeling myself; hair done right,
Clothes on point? Then you nuh want me out nights.
When I hit the club, it’s full of your spies:
Your cousin, your sister’s man. Benny. Mike.
You think your man dem can shut me down?
Step to me; we’ll see who ends ’pon the ground!
And he sees I’m not playing. Then he frets
And feels sorry for himself:
Don’t get
Married. Only two things worse than a wife—
Cue some lame-arse joke about pain and strife …
The same sad anti-wife jokes you see online –
What would you’all do without us for punchlines?
You get so dramatic:
To love you is hell –
It’s like I’m thirsty and you’re a dry well.
So you say
It’s like being on actual fire –
Like being thrown on a funeral pyre
You’re like woodworm
Says you
And I’m the tree.
You’re not done till you’ve eaten all of me!
People of Brent: you hear how he talks when
He’s pissed? Well, I told him he said that then
I used it against him. He never found
Out it wasn’t true – I just wrote it down
And said he did. That poor fool got no peace.
I told student Ryan, and Kelly, my niece,
We see KELLY, and see RYAN still hidden by his camera raise a hand, but again in the most casual way.
And they believed me and blamed him; he looked
Like the bad guy and I’m off the hook.
Simple advice, Colin, it’ll take you far:
Whoever’s behind the wheel drives the car.
That’s it. We didn’t fight, if I’m honest.
He planted his seeds. I burned his forests.
I said sorry for things I
hadn’t done!
Girls I never touched, game I never run.
I knew you too ol’ to be playing away
But I accused you of it anyway
Because you liked it! You needed jealousy
To feel I wanted you like you wanted me …
I told you: ‘All my going out at night
Is just to check those girls I fear might
Be after you!’
And I truly believed.
You were way too vain to think I’d deceived
You. But truth is I’m just out getting mine!
And the thing is, I get my way every time …
Women are good at lying! Or if you
Want to say it more nicely, we just do
A little creative work with the facts.
I cry, I make up stuff, I blatantly act –
I’m playing four-dimensional chess,
Colin, and no husband can ever mess
With me. Especially not in a bed.
That’s where I truly eff with their heads …
For example, if I’ve got a new man –
A fresh husband; not a flash in the pan –
Lying next to me, and here comes his hand,
I immediately make him understand:
I will get out of this bed unless you
Get me off first. Then I’ll see what I can do
For you. The point is you don’t get someting
For nutting. No my friend: that’s not a thing.
And honestly, as it goes, I was not
Attracted to any of those old men. But
I put on a good show. And they gave me
What I was owed, and to speak honestly
I probably stressed them all the time
Because I really hated having to grind
Them at all. But you know what? Even if
The Pope was watching, I’d still call them chiefs,
And fools and eediat. And Christ himself knows:
Even if she went and died tomorrow
No one could say she didn’t do her share